Wednesday 15 April 2015


Many people are in a dating relationship, but this relationship sooner or later ends up immediately after the emergence of distance. This may be caused by, probably the transfer or relocation of one of the partners. This mostly occurs due to certain circumstances such as, business trip, further studies, and work. I once experience what you feel and understand the pains, loneliness, and how this sometimes make life so depressing for you.

But, you’ll have to trust what I’m about to say, before giving it up. Following my advice will help you build a strong relationship between you and your partner no matter the distance. I must confess, it was tough for me when she was not by my side all the time, especially when I needed her most. But by following the points which I shall explain the next paragraphs, our relationship became stronger and even better.

It is obvious that, being in touch with your partner is a key to keeping your relationship healthy .
Communicating with your partner about what you feel, either good or bad and also sharing concern and depressions with your partner is very essential in a long distance relationship. Apart from your usual text messages and phone call, believe me, hand written postcards and letters makes your partner to always feel more personal than emails and texts. Always try to be creative by sending poems, drawings and photos to your partner to hold onto. But you must also try not to exaggerate the way you communicate with your partner.

You need to fully trust your partner. Give your partner that freedom or chance to explore other aspects of life and try to resist the temptation of jealousy, being suspicious and accusations. Such behaviors will only make you less attractive and unappetizing in the eyes of your partner and this has a great effect on your long distance relationship. But trusting your partner only leads you to a happier and healthier relationship.

You have to exercise some patience, probably because you won’t be speaking to each other as often as it used to be. You will encounter some missed calls and unanswered texts. These are some things you just need to be acquainted with. But what you should remember is that, you shouldn’t spend your time waiting for a message to pop up in your inbox from your partner. The best way for an impatient person to calm his/her anxiety is by keeping his or herself busy. This can be done by hanging out with friends or doing some other thing you like doing.
Apart from seeing your partner during the holidays, make efforts to pay him/her a visit as often as possible and make sure you’ve nothing doing when your partner is around. Tell your families and friends you are officially unavailable during that period you’re with your sweetie. IF you don’t create time and energy to see each other, then you may eventually drift apart. No matter how strong your love is , you still need some physical contact so as to promote your distance relationship.

Don’t center your life so much on your partner. This may cause you to become depressed, frustrated and confused when your partner is not around you. Instead use this separation as an opportunity to ensure you achieve your goals and focus on your life, career, schooling or whatever without distraction.

Both of you must dedicate yourself equally and put in as much time and energy needed into your relationship. This is to avoid a one-sided relationship, because it is very common with long distance relationships. You know your partner than any other person, so you should be able to make him/her become very dedicated to the relationship by using soft and romantic words and also proving to him/her that you are dedicated to the relationship with your actions.

What do you think being in a distance relationship is all about? Are you currently in one?

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