Thursday, 16 April 2015

Coca Cola’s President Exposed:This Is what They will NEVER Tell you About The Sodas You Take

How in tune are you with your general
body health? Manypeople are today
conscious about their health more than
they were a decade ago.
With the onset of new generation
methodologies of food and drinks
production as well as the preservation of
major daily consumables, companies are
doing all they can to stay in business.
Medical analysts have more than once
said that these foods and drinks have
high potentials to cause cancer and other
aliments if users of the said products are
exposed to them over a long duration of
After reading this, you are bound to
make major decisions on what you eat or
drink which is the focus in this case.
Well, your favorite drink could be your
ticket to health problems if you do not
read what contents, percentages of
chemicals used to produce it.
Coca Cola has been regularly put on the
spot over the amount of sugar amounts
in it. Medical Practitioners say, that such
an amount consumed daily over a long
period of time, is an alarming amount
not forgetting a health risk factor.
BBC carried out an interview and James
Quincey President Coca Cola Europe was
cornered as the host sought to inquire
why the beverage manufacture never
inform its customers the amount of
equivalent sugar in a single can of Coca
Cola and how unhealthy it is.
Mr. Quincey acknowledged that indeed
the product has sugar though its not an
absolute choice because customers also
prefer diet coke(coke zero).
Now, picture this, one can of coca cola
contains 23 sachets of sugar for the
small can and 44 for the 500ml can. You
can now do the math and figure out how
unhealthy that could be and the diseases
you are prone to. Coca Cola would
NEVER have told you that, no profit
making firm would either but now you

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