Thursday, 16 April 2015

4 Important Conversations To Have Before Sex

We are living in a world where love is hard to find and sex is
easy to give!
In as much as we are grateful we are living in the times of
greater equality, sex is something that can go wrong very
quickly. And when it does go wrong, the consequences can be
very devastating.
Hence when dealing with something as intimate and explosive
as sex, it’s necessary to take certain precautions. A
reasonable man should have certain conversations with his
woman before embarking on a sexual relationship.
Consent is a topic too important to overlook because you
never want to find yourself in such dubious situation. And with
rape stats being what they are, it is necessary to ensure the
person you are having sex with actually wants to have sex.
Diseases especially sexually transmitted diseases and
infections are very real facts of life and there is absolutely
nothing wrong in addressing such issues before an
intercourse. If you think having that conversation is going to
be awkward then imagine how awkward it will be breaking the
news of Syphilis to your partner.
Once the issue of STD has been sorted out and you feel you
are free to have unprotected sex, another thing that needs to
be carefully thought out and discussed is Pregnancy. There is
no fun in abortion or raising a child you never planned for. The
world has enough unwanted children in it already so it’s either
you use a condom, a pill or other options available if you are
not ready for a child.
Certain people have things that works for them and what
works for one may not work for the other, so feel free to
discuss your sexual positions that you like and those you are
not comfortable with. Because there is no point of having a
sexual intercourse if both of you don’t enjoy it.

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