Saturday 21 March 2015

21st Century Love

I was watching one of Chris Rock's comedy shows recently where he made a valid point that women cannot go back materialistically.

What he meant by this simply is that women just won't fancy dating any guy who is less financially buoyant than their last boyfriend and if they do, they won't be 'feeling' the other guy s much.

I've had conversations with two of my female friends whose idea of their 'best boyfriend ever' was the guy who spent on them, who got them the expensive stuff and provided them with their heart's desires without them having to even ask. There is nothing any female loves more than when her man gets her some item (be it a shoe, a handbag, a phone etc) she's been pining for without her having to utter a word about it to him. Example, if she's been posting a pic of a pair of shoes on her IG or DP and her man asks why she's so interested in the shoe followed by her shoe size, trust when I say the Shoki the babe will be dancing that day in anticipation of the arrival of the shoes will be enough to send Lil Kesh out of business.

Fellas, if you're looking to date a woman whose ex is responsible for half the shiiit in her closet, plus the Samsung galaxy/IPhone she's currently using and you're not loaded, I regret to inform you that you don enter one chance. As in, your own don kpafuka. Like, she most likely will have the same interest in the relationship as the average straight man has in an episode of The Kardashians. This ain't no Dr.Phil so ama give you some straight-talkin' you want the truth? Well, here it is. You may love her more than that ex did, you may be ready to sell your father's land in the village to provide for her, but all of that will most likely pale in her eyes in comparison to what the mofo ex has done for her.

Women tend to place their wants above their needs. Forget Nollywood movies bro, you're not Ramsey Noah and she's not Genevieve, if she's with you despite the fact that you're 'poorer' than her ex, then know that she's most likely just hanging around until either the ex is released from whatever spiritual bondage that caused him to break up with her or the Lord directs some other rich dude to her stable.

So I explained to one of the two girls that her ex isn't necessarily the best guy she'll ever meet, he just happens to have the funds to express his love as opposed to some other guy who may respect her more and generally be more loving, but is unfortunately, not financially buoyant enough to show he's a better catch. In such situations it's left to the woman to decide what she really wants in a relationship and if she can survive with a man who may not be financially gifted, but possesses other traits that in the long run would be much better than wealth.

So on that note, I will agree with emusmith, that love isn't always enough in any relationship, but not necessarily based on the terms he listed in his write-up, which in all honesty, I found some vapid, petty and somewhat shallow (no offence). Sometimes the psychological make-up of a gender will come into play.

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