Friday 10 February 2017

U.S. Appeals Court rules against travel ban

The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday ruled against President Donald Trump’s Executive Order, which temporarily banned citizens from seven countries into the U.S.
The three-member panel, in its unanimous ruling, upheld a Feb. 3 decision by a U.S. District Court judge, James Robart, in Seattle that stopped the ban nationwide.

Judges Michelle Friedland, William Canby Jr, and Richard Clifton – said in a 29-page unanimous ruling; “We hold that the government has not shown a likelihood of success on the merits of its appeal, nor has it shown that failure to enter a stay would cause irreparable injury, and we, therefore, deny its emergency motion for a stay.
“The American people have an interest in free flow of travel, in avoiding separation of families, and in freedom from discrimination,”

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