Thursday 8 September 2016

Ahmad Salkida releases statement, says he wasn't arrested

Nigerian journalist, Ahmad Salkida who was declared wanted by the army over his access to Boko Haram sect says contrary to reports, he was never arrested by security agents.Ahmed
Ahmad arrived Nigeria on Monday September 5th and it was widely reported that he was arrested by the State Security Service.
In a statement released, he said he met with officers and they had several discussions and the atmosphere was mutually respectful. He further went on to say he is at the moment working on his next exclusive report.

It reads; In response to the demand by Nigerian security authorities for me to clear my name, I flew into Abuja on Monday, 5th September. Contrary to reports, I was not arrested. I had very engaging conversations with officers. The atmosphere was mutually respectful. The discussions opened useful insights that are benefiting to both sides on the discussion table. I wish to thank most especially family friends & professional colleagues who believed & trusted that my outputs have only solely been driven by professional considerations. And to those who never believed, who have used hate, threats and intimidation, I thank you also. Finally, let me make it clear that my commitment and professional obligations is strong, I am not about to shift grounds professionally. My commitment and professional obligations to Nigeria remain unshaken and undiminished. I am now working on my next exclusive report.

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