Monday 25 July 2016

Suicide bomber kills self and injures 12 near music festival in Germany

A Syrian man has killed himself and injured 12 others after setting off an explosive device outside a music festival in the German town of Ansbach at around 10pm local time on Sunday.SUICIDE-NL-1
Authorities said the 27-year-old had been denied asylum a year ago and had a history of making attempts on his own life. Three of those injured are in a serious condition.1

The man carried the bomb through a busy area in Ansbach, Bavaria, where the open air event was taking place.

The blast was initially thought to be a gas blast but the Mayor of Ansbach told reporters it is believed to be the result of an explosive device.
The Bavarian interior minister, Joachim Herrmann, said it was likely the attack was the work of an “Islamist” suicide bomber.
He told Deutsche Presse-Agentur: “My personal view is that I unfortunately think it is very likely this really was an Islamist suicide attack. The obvious intent to kill more people at least indicates an Islamist background.”
Ansbach police said they were alerted to an explosion in the city centre just after 10pm. Bomb experts were sent to determine the cause of the explosion.
It is understood that around 2,500 people may have been at the nearby music festival at the time.
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