Thursday 28 July 2016

#SaveMayowa was a scam!

It was a thing of joy when Nigerians despite the hardship donated to cancer patient, Mayowa Ahmed, for surgery she needed for ovarian cancer. The #SaveMayowa raised over $100k on GoFundMe and millions of Naira. We have learnt that Mayowa's family scammed kind hearted Nigerians.#SaveMayowa
Mayowa truly has Ovarian cancer but her case is terminal. She's admitted at LUTH but her case is beyond surgery nor treatment as doctors had told Mayowa she was beyond treatment and no hospital in the world could treat her as she was extremely far gone. Mayowa had reached stage 4 and doctors, unfortunately, already told her family she won't survive it and had advised them to take her home.
Instead of taking her home, her family used her situation to raise money from Nigerians.Toyin Aimakhu and Mayowa
Speaking to YNaija, Toyin Aimakhu, who was one of those who spearheaded the fundraising, said, “They tagged me, she sent a message to me…they said she’s my huge fan saying she had cancer and she needed help and wanted me to come… I showed the doctor the (medical) report and the doctor said ‘which report?’. They said it was a fake report,”.
The doctors in LUTH have also denied giving her family a medical report advising her to seek treatment abroad.
Toyin is currently at LUTH right now with police officers. Mayowa's family's home is locked up
Video from the scene  at LUTH, involving Toyin and one other donor later...
Videos at the station

But Mayowa's family have released a statement insisting it's no scam and that they are truly taking her abroad for medical treatment.

In their statement, they said they are taking her to a hospital in Abu Dhabi but when they started raising money for her, they said they wanted to take her to Emory hospital, Atlanta, who had given them a quote of $100k. 
Mayowa's family did indeed contact Emory Hospital, Atlanta to make inquiries and they were told that they would make an initial deposit of $100k after which it would cost them between $3,000-$30,000 per session, and a patient requires between 10-50 treatments.
Aramide Kasumu, founder of Lifestake Foundation and one of those who worked to raise funds for the Mayowa Ahmed speaking to YNaija also provided further information about her condition.
“It started from her ovaries and moved to her liver, which gave her liver metastasis. Basically, it is not curable, and if it is curable, it is the just Grace of God. When I got the story, I took it up, and I called the CMD to get her to LUTH. Before she got to LUTH, they were already waiting for her. When I brought her to LUTH, the first thing the doctor said to me is that no airline will carry her, because she is too frail to travel.  Before I brought her to LUTH, she was at home. It was almost as if they (the family) already knew what the case was. You know how the doctors will tell you that the cancer is already in the last stage, let her stay home”.
“They said they had already called the hospital in America, they needed $100,000. They mailed it to me, I looked at it. It now dawned on me that the hospital in America said treatment is going to cost $3,000 – $30,000 per treatment, and she needed 10-50 treatments. Technically, what she needed was N150 million, but that wasn’t what they raised. All they just picked was the $100,000.
“The hospital also said to them that she needs $1,780 for an invitation. There was no invitation, no visa, nothing! So they already knew what they were doing from the onset.”
Lifestake Foundation is a non-profit organization created to assist Nigerians who are in dire need of financial aid for medical purposes explained that .
Click below to listen to Toyin Aimakhu and Aramide Kasumu below:

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