Monday 28 March 2016

Sokoto to wed 100 couples before june

The Sokoto State Government says it has set aside N30million for the organisation of the wedding of 100 couples in the area. The mass wedding is being coordinated by the State Sunnah Mediation Council.Mass-wedding

The Chairman of the Council, Alhaji Aliyu Kofar-Rini, said in Sokoto that the wedding would be conducted before the commencement of Ramadan.

By the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is expected to begin in June. He said the council would pay the bride prices of all the female partners – N30,000 for spinsters and N20,000 for divorcees.

“The brides will also be trained in some skills like knitting, sewing, pomade and detergents making, among others. They will also be assisted with working tools and capital,” Kofar-Rini, explained.

He added that each couple would receive N75,000 to enable it to settle down properly to marital life.

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