Wednesday 30 March 2016

Male Birth Control Is Coming in 2018, Still Seems a Little Sketchy

There is now an official timeline for the arrival of male birth control, reports Vasalgel, a "reverse birth control for men" designed by the Parsemus Foundation, will be available in 2018.Pills
Though the possibility of male birth control has been looming for some time, it looks like Vasalgel might not be a viable answer quite yet. A study released Tuesday shows that the Vasalgel lasted for one year in 11 of 12 test rabbits.

But Elaine Lissner, executive director of Parsemus, told Cosmo that the gel, which is injected into the penis to block sperm, could last much longer than the one year it took effect in the rabbits.
In fact, she said, "It seems to be pretty durable; we expect it to last for years. We just don't know how many yet."
Hmmm. A shot in a sensitive place with effects that last for an undetermined amount of time. Promising? Possibly?
Vasalgel has yet to undergo a trial on human men. Regardless, the idea of birth control for dudes is an exciting thing, and Lissner says many men are behind it. She also says the male birth control is reversible (after having the injection flushed from their systems, seven of the bunnies regained the ability to procreate).
Still seems a little sketchy. Guess there are a couple of years to work toward achieving a future of equitable birth-control options for all.

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