Tuesday 22 March 2016

Brave Sex Assault Victim Wins Award After Leaving Her Attacker Looking Like This

A young woman bravely fought off a sex attacker by scratching him with her house keys leaving him looking like Frankenstein's monster.

Vile Johnathon Holmes followed the 21-year-old for a mile before he pounced, pushing her into the bushes and attacking her.
The depraved 35-year-old forced her on her back and climbed on top of her, telling her: "You are going to enjoy this." But incredibly, the young woman used her keys to cut his face and bit down on his tongue, shouting "you won't do that to a woman again" as he fled.

And now, her courage has been marked by South Yorkshire Police who presented her with a bravery award.

Superintendent Scott Green, told the woman, who cannot be named: "You displayed an astonishing level of bravery during this investigation, your actions undoubtedly deterred the offender from continuing his assault and your detailed recollection of such a traumatic event, led to the arrest, conviction and imprisonment of a very dangerous criminal.

"As a husband, as the father of a daughter, on behalf of every woman in this city, I commend you. On behalf of South Yorkshire Police we recognise your bravery, selflessness and truly outstanding courage in helping make this city a safer place for every woman in it."

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