Saturday 30 May 2015

Foluke Daramola's husband says he isn't bothered that she was a rape victim

Despite several controversies that may have surrounded the
union between actress, Foluke Daramola and her husband,
Kayode Salako, they still seem inseparable. Foluke launched a
foundation called Passion Against Rape in Africa dut to the
fact that she was once a rape victim, she said.
Rape victim or not, her husband, Kayode, isn't bothered by it.
Speaking to Saturday Beats, Kayode said,
“I have always told my wife something which I believe
is the reality of life. I did not meet my wife as a virgin
and when you did not meet her as a virgin, you cannot
expect to be the one to deflower her. I am a liberally
inclined person who is very realistic. My orientation is
western inclined, so things like that do not bother me.
Either she is a rape victim or not, what I am going to
say is that I did not meet her as a virgin.
“The painful aspect and what hurts me the most about
the situation is that she was introduced to sex against
her own wish. That is one of the things I really hate
about the experience. That she is a rape victim does
not bother me at all. I am glad it did not cost her life.
It bothered her psychologically for a while in life but I
did not meet her in such a situation. She had overcome
the ordeal before we met and the two of us have been
living together in harmony. You would not even know
that she is a rape victim if she did not tell you. I am a
liberally inclined person and I don’t attach meanings to
things the way a typical African man would. That is
why my wife and I have been enjoying ourselves,” he
Foluke also told Saturday Beats that she wants to be known
as the voice of rape victims in Africa.
“I want to be the voice of the voiceless and Punch is
the reason I have a platform like this because it was
the first paper to share my experience with the world.
After the interview I had with Punch about my rape
experience, a lot of people began to call me to ask me
what I was thinking to grant such an interview. I also
had people who called me to share their experiences
with me. In the process, I had a documentary with a
France-based organisation and they asked if I had a
foundation but I told them I did not have one. It was
after the interview that the idea of Passion Against
Rape in Africa came to me. That was about two years
ago. I decided to be the voice of the voiceless because
I know a lot of people do not have the courage to
come out and talk about their experiences. I want to be
the voice of rape victims all over Africa. That is the
aim of my foundation. I feel that as a celebrity who
has gone through that ordeal, victims of rape would
find it easy to relate with me,” she said.

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