Saturday, 18 April 2015

See the World's Most Powerful passports

If you have a UK or US passport, you can enter 147 countries
without a Visa! For real :-). Financial firm, Arton Capital,
which specializes in helping wealthy individuals obtain
multiple citizenship, has compiled a ranking of the World's
Most Powerful passports - based on how many countries one
can be enter without a visa, or by getting a visa upon arrival.
See the top five below...
U.S., U.K. (147 countries)
France, South Korea, Germany (145)
Sweden, Italy (144)
Denmark, Singapore, Finland, Japan,
Luxembourg, Netherlands (143)
Switzerland (142)
With a Nigerian passport, you can enter 61 countries without a
visa or get one upon arrival. See the bottom-ranked passports
after the cut...
This is the bottom
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Yemen, Central African
Republic, Kosovo (41)
Equatorial Guinea, Bhutan, Comoros, Burundi
Somalia, Eritrea (39)
Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, Ethiopia, Nepal (38)
South Sudan, Solomon Islands, Palestinian
Territories, Sao Tome and Principe, Myanmar
Others are
South Africa - 84
China - 74 countries.
Indian passport holders - 59 easy destinations.
Russian passport provides 98 country options.

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