Sunday 26 April 2015

Ladies, See The Things You Can Do To Keep Your Man

This is an interesting piece written by a lady to help other
ladies learn and avoid the looming dangers.
There are certain things that push guys away from you and
sometimes these turn-offs go both ways. Frankly some ladies
find it hard to keep a man because of some things they do.
Read details below:
Drama: This is definitely one of the top things that push men
away. Women tend to be involved in more drama than men.
It’s true that your boyfriend will be there to listen to you
when you’re having issues, but being catty won’t highlight
your best qualities. And being overly dramatic about some
petty issue, such as why he didn’t call you first, will make
him question the relationship. If you are a responsible lady or
want to be one, try not to make a huge deal of something
that can be easily fixed.
Possessiveness: Do you constantly check up on your
boyfriend? If so, you might want to back off a little bit. When
guys receive too many "Where are you?" texts, they tend to
get annoyed. They don’t want to be in a relationship with
their mom. You might think this is just you caring about him,
but to him, it will feel like you don’t trust him, or worse, like
you are trying to control him.
Playing dumb: Unfortunately, we ladies have all probably
done this at some time or other. Truth is that playing dumb
will lead you down the wrong path. He might eventually feel
like you’re taking advantage of him or that you just aren’t
capable of taking care of yourself, let alone you and the kid or
kids when they start coming. Good guys believe a smart girl
is much more worth keeping at home.
Clingy: A guy has got to have his own space! How much
space a guy needs will vary. Some guys think that going out
more then twice a month together is clingy, while others think
that you never leaving his side is clingy. As a lady, make sure
to observe your own man to figure out where he lies on the
spectrum! When you give him what he wants, he will really
appreciate your understanding and thoughtfulness – and he
will try to make the time you do spend together that much
more worthwhile.
Living in the past: It’s okay to share your past once you get
comfortable with your new guy. Just don’t dwell on it. Not
yours, not his, not "ours." Don’t compare him to a fling that
you had before, a sugar daddy or ex-boyfriend. And don't
compare yourself to anyone in his past – and definitely don’t
dwell on a past disagreement that you two had. If you want
him in your future, plan today with him.
Dishonesty: We hate being lied to. So why do we do it to a
man we love? It doesn’t protect a relationship; in fact, it
might destroy it. Communication is key in a relationship, so if
you say things that you don’t mean, what’s the point? Try to
express yourself and allow your man point out things that he
doesn’t understand. Always make an attempt to talk things
out. Believe me, it works wonders!
Remember that time you told him you loved that his shirt,
even though really, you can't stand it? Well, what are you
going to do if he starts wearing it all the time to please you?
That is it, you have all the work to do if you want to enjoy
your man and have him spend his money you wholeheartedly.
Power struggle: I always cringe when I hear people joking
about who wears the pants in a relationship. There’s really no
need to do that. Learn to be humble and work well with your
man. Your friends are loyal to their own men at home, no
matter what they tell you. So don’t be obsessive over who
has more power. Love is what you should ask for from your
man, not his authority. You can!

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