Thursday 16 April 2015

7 Ways To Know He Has Genuine Affections For You

One of the greatest feelings a woman can ever have is a
man's true love. Though your boyfriend may take time telling
you he is in love with you, chances are he already has through
his actions. That's what happened to me. I knew my husband
was in love with me by the way he paid close attention to all
my needs. He genuinely cared to hear about my good days
and my bad days. Moreover, I didn't have to ask him to do
something for me. He just knew. He loved spending time with
my family and me. And he said "I love you" first.
For the most part, women are quicker at expressing their
emotions to their partners; meanwhile, men take a longer
time. You may assume that your boyfriend is not in love with
you because he has not verbally expressed his feelings or
revealed the three words all women love to hear. But take a
close look at his gestures, his mannerisms and how he looks
at you. The love he has for you is in the tiniest details.
Here are seven ways you can tell the man you love is in love
with you, too.
Shows interest
When your boyfriend starts to ask you in-depth questions
about your likes, dislikes and future goals, he is in to you. He
wants to learn everything about you. He sincerely cares.
Delicate touches
He grabs your hand gently during a walk in the park or at a
family gathering. He caresses your hair softly. He hugs you for
no reason at all. He affectionately touches your face as he
stares at you. Sometimes just sitting at home watching a
movie and cuddling on the couch speaks volumes.
Spending time together
When you find your boyfriend spending less time with his
friends and more time with you, he is in love. He is not giving
up on his friends; he simply chooses to spend as much time
with you as possible. His priorities begin to shift.
Does anything for you
He doesn't care what it takes, but he will make anything
possible for you. He may not necessarily be interested in the
things you are interested in, but he makes the effort to take
part. He doesn't mock what brings you joy. Perhaps you love
a particular musician, and he doesn't. But he surprises you
with two concert tickets – one for you and one for him.
Meeting his family and friends
As old-fashioned as this may sound, when a boyfriend
introduces the woman in his life to his family and friends, he
is serious. He has hopes to take the relationship to another
level. His feelings are deeper than you know.
Talks about marriage and children
If your boyfriend inquires about your feelings on marriage and
children and expresses his thoughts on the matter, chances
are he's been thinking about a future with you. And if you
both share the same feelings about marriage and creating a
beautiful family together, love exists.
Says those three special words first
He tells you "I love you" before you do. It doesn't matter
when or where he says it. All that matters is that he wants to
say it first.
Again, it's easier for a woman to share her innermost
thoughts compare to most men. Many men have a hard time
verbalizing their feelings even though they do love you.
However, through their positive actions and attentive ways,
you will know he is in love. Give him time and you'll hear "I
love you."

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