Saturday 18 April 2015

5 Rumours About Sex You Should Stop Believing [MUST READ]

There are a lot of myths surrounding sex and sexual relations
that have existed since time immemorial. Some have been
around for so long that a lot of people have come to believe it
as the truth even as they pass it on from generation to
generation. Some border on the out rightly outrageous while
others are simply altruistic. A lot of these facts sound bogus
when heard at first but the mystery surrounding them makes
most people believe them.
For this reason, we bring to you five of the most common
sexual myths you never knew were false until now.
1. No such thing as the G spot
There has been a lot of talk and questions asked about the
existence of the G spot. Recent medical journals are totally
undecided on a precise location of the G spot or Grafenberg
spot (named after German gynaecologist, Ernst Grafenberg).
The G spot does exist and it is an area on the front wall of
the vagina which when stimulated correctly, will produce
pleasurable sensations that can result in a sweet orgasmic
experience in some women. The mystery surrounding the G-
spot is made even more evident with the fact that people tend
to explore to know the precise location. Researchers believe
that the sensations that arise as a result of the stimulation is
real even though the exact source of the pleasure remains a
mystery. Note however that just because you do not find the
location doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
2. You can’t get pregnant during your menstrual flow
This notion has been in existence for so long that almost
every woman thinks it is true. While this myth holds true a lot
of the time, the risk of getting pregnant while on your
menstrual flow still exists especially if you are having
unprotected sex. While the risk is small, it’s still there. It has
been discovered that Sperm can stay alive for up to one week
after entering the female body through the vagina. Thus, if you
are having unprotected sex towards the tail end of your
monthly flow, there is a chance that you may ovulate shortly
after. The eggs released maybe fertilised by the sperms that
remain for long in your system and as such, you could get
pregnant during your menstrual flow.
3. Aphrodisiacs aid your libido
From ancient times, the use of aphrodisiacs have been a way
of boosting the sexual libido and performance of humans.
Foods such as chocolate and creamy alcoholic drinks that you
think are erotic may not have that much effect on your libido.
Research has shown that certain foods actually help to
improve sexual function but those listed are not the common
aphrodisiacs that we know of. Foods and drinks that have
little or no evidence to back up their claims as sexual
stimulants include dark chocolates, oysters and Red wine.
Feeding your partner dark chocolate-covered fruit feels super
erotic, but it’s not doing much for your libido. This however
doesn’t mean they do not have an effect on foreplay and as
such, you don’t have to take them off your routine. The thing
is just to know that they have no magical effect on your
4. No such thing as squirting
Squirting is real and has been proven to happen. However, a
lot of people confuse the term squirting with female
ejaculation which is often interchanged. The fluid that females
ejaculate is small and whitish in colour and is usually
produced before of after you climax. The fluid released during
squirting have been said by some researchers to consist
mainly of urine even though the subject is still under debate. A
smaller percentage of women also experience a phenomenon
called “Gushing” in which large amounts of fluids are released
during climax. These effects have been attributed to varying
differences in the anatomical structures of the genital tissues
of women folk.
5. Men see more than women during sex
A lot of people have the notion that visual stimulation
enhances their sexual performance, especially as regards
watching pornographic films. It is however not so as
stimulation and erection can be achieved without the use of
such materials. A lot of women would rather have the lights
on when they have sex as they would love to admire the look
on their partners face including all the features therein or a
way of actually watching the moves they make during such
sessions. Always remember that everyone has different sexual
preferences and it is cool to discover what the preferences of
your partner are and you can use that to have a wholesome
fulfilled sex life.

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