Thursday, 16 April 2015


Nobody’s perfect. That’s how the saying goes. But wouldn’t it be nice if your partner was? In theory, yes. But in practice, spending time with someone who doesn’t do anything
annoying would just become incredibly annoying in itself.
So let’s hail those little imperfections about our husbands,
wives, boyfriends and girlfriends that make them so special? Yes, even burping can be endearing…
1. They fart
After six months of zero bottom-burping, your partner
suddenly makes a noise with their buttocks. But it makes
you laugh, so you don’t care.
2. They snore
It keeps you awake. But it also gives you an excuse to wake
them up and have a cuddle.
3. They smell
So what if they whiff a bit after a run around the park? Good
excuse to jump into the shower together.
4. They leave the toilet seat up/down
At least he closes the door when he goes
Yes, it’s annoying, but it’s a daily reminder that you have
them in your life.
5. They’re always right
This is a real pain in the neck. But on the bright side, you are
going out with someone who is ALWAYS right – how cool is
that?! They can make all the decisions!
6.They lose stuff
Keys, gloves, phones, mind – you name it, they’ve lost it. But
when you find it for them again, you’re the one in the good
7. They’re messy
Your other half has left the top off the toothpaste off again.
But you put it back on. Because putting it back on gives you
the chance to show how much you care.
8. Their hair
The stuff on their head is fine – lovely, in fact. It’s the stuff
in the plughole that bothers you. Until the next time they let
you run your hands through the stuff on their head.
9. Their phone
Permanently attached to their hand. But at least you can get
them to check the name of that actor whose name you’ve
forgotten in the terrible TV show you’re watching.
10. They’re lazy
Ah, you’ve both managed to leave the house together
Sometimes they just want to spend the entire weekend on
the couch watching awful movies. A-ha! But that means you
can too.
11. Their cooking
‘Mmmm… that is the best beans on toast I’ve ever had.’ Oh
well, it’s the thought that counts.
12. They chatter
Sometimes your partner just won’t shut up. But you love the
sweet sound of their voice so much that it doesn’t matter.
13. They hoard
She has 100 pairs of shoes and he won’t throw out any of
his old Batman comics, but you don’t mind. These are the
things that they love, and you love them too. Even if there’s
no room for them.
14. Their friends
Their friends can’t see you here. Luckily
Their friends might think you’re not worthy of their pal and
look down on you, but that just makes you more resilient
and determined to be with them forever.
15. Their music
You grit your teeth and let them listen to one of their
Razorlight albums. Because you know that in return, they’ll
allow you to stream One Direction’s latest.
16. Their driving
Yes, they almost reversed into something while you were
shouting from the passenger seat, but at least you’ve been
through a difficult shared experience together that will
strengthen your relationship.
17. Their temperature
When you’re hot, they’re cold. When you’re cold, they’re a
furnace. But it means you’ll always be needed for some
warming/cooling depending on their body temperature.
18. Their diet
They love eating the most disgusting junk food imaginable,
which is obviously disastrous. ‘Give me some of those chips
dipped in hot cheese, will you, dear?’
19. They finish your… sentences
Incredibly annoying and cutesy. Yet you can’t help but smile
when it happens.

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