Tuesday 10 July 2018

Don't hold back


Your boy convinced you to not date the girl you like because "Bro, this girl ehn hmm, I’ve heard things about her.” You really liked her but you decided to listen to him because your boys will never lead you astray.

A few months into your "non-exclusive", "title-less" "open relationship" (which she only agreed to because she likes you and in the way, girls do when they fall in love without sense, she thinks you'll change your mind), they bump into each other at a party.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Shiver to the North Pole

So i walked into Hausa Twitter and saw their tweets on child marriage, here’s the link ladunliadinews.com/…/what-people-are-saying-on-hausa-twitte…
Have anyone realized that this child marriage is tilted to one side? It’s actually girl child marriage not child marriage.
Because it would have been fair to look at if a 13yr old boy married a 13yr old girl. But no it’s a 40yr old with penis the size of her hand.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Dear motivational speaker, tell the full story

So yesterday on popular microblogging site, Twitter, that picture above came with the caption “Jeff Bezos 1999. Next time you want to give up, think of this”.
Now, this picture and the caption was supposed to motivate and encourage but the poser failed to tell us that Jeff Bezos went to one of the best schools in the world. Had a top job in the Wall Street. Built fantastic global network. Parents invested over $300,000. Came from an upper class background. Let’s always tell the full story.

Rejoinder: A Lion in the North Sea: The Battle for Chevron Netherlands

I was up quite late last night reading Paddy Adenuga’s beautiful write up theafricaarchive.com/2018/01/29/a-l… .But while so many have dwelt on the “inspirational” aspect of the write up, there is an instructive little portion that a lot must have glossed over.

Content Marketing Through Storytelling

When we say "content marketing", it simply refers to how you package your brand, product, or service, such that it attracts the au...