Monday 11 December 2017

Church of Christ Rules

I didn’t write this, and don’t know who did. The thing that is interesting is, somebody wrote this (I assume with a sense of being cynical).

The Rules & Pattern of the Church of Christ

1 It must be noted immediately that this list is not to be construed as a written creed. No statement of beliefs or rules outside the Bible itself is permitted. However, it will be permitted that such lists of beliefs or rules shall be allowed if written in a church bulletin or other published material provided that such is clearly designated as not being a written creed. This list is here shared merely as a convenience and with the understanding that there is really no need for such since all these rules are to be found in a clear and unmistakable form scattered throughout the pages of the collected books of the New Testament. It is also to be believed that anyone who truly loves God and the truth will easily find these exact rules and consequently obey.

Content Marketing Through Storytelling

When we say "content marketing", it simply refers to how you package your brand, product, or service, such that it attracts the au...